Buttock augmentation

Because we use fat from your own body and transfer it to the buttocks area, this technique is in high demand. The good news about fat is that the results are all natural, and your own body uses the substance. There is no reason for your body to reject the substance because it contains no foreign material. Many of us appreciate working with fat because of its unique characteristics.

The sole disadvantage of this method is that the fat is unpredictably distributed. This means that 30 percent to 40 percent of the fat we transfer is not kept, and part of it disappears. Now, we have no way of knowing how much of this will survive.

If anything remains for more than three months, it becomes permanent. So far, we've seen why fat cells are so delicate and necessitate specialized treatment. The idea is to be able to blend the fat we put in with the environment.

To accomplish this, we layer the fat so that the bloodstream can reach it and keep it alive. As a result, when we conduct the surgery, we put the fat deep inside the muscles and in multiple layers, resulting in a smooth, even rise.

An intriguing observation is made when a swelling arises shortly after the operation, and most patients believe the fat has vanished as time goes on, while in fact it was the swelling. As a result, we'll have to wait a few months before making a final decision.

Adding a little volume to almost every buttocks lift will make it seem much better. The fat is taken from any location with excess fat, the most common of which are the ribcage, the outer point of the legs, and the upper / outer point of the buttocks. We will offer you a look of buttocks straightening and reshaping as we eliminate the fat from these places, which will help to accentuate and define the buttocks area even more.

Each will require a variable percentage of fat, but on average, 250-350 cc of pure fat will be required on each side. This percentage of nearly 700 ml corresponds to around 1 / 2-3 / 4 gram of fat. If you are very thin and have a small percentage of fat and want to increase the buttocks area or create a better shape, this is a good percentage of fat to use. If you are very thin and have a small percentage of fat and want to increase the buttocks area or create a better shape, we should use something more predictable like an implant.

Fat transfer, on the other hand, is a preferable option if you have some fat and are merely looking for a better shape in the buttocks area. If the fat does not remain whole in this manner, you will obtain the desired result. Remember that adding a little volume to practically any buttock lift will make it seem much better. When we add more, we are astounded at how much nicer the result becomes.

It is not the amount of fat that exists that determines its shape, but where it is located. Dr. Andreas Ioannidis, a plastic surgeon, always recommends buttock augmentation to most patients who want to improve the shape of their buttocks.

It's important to note that the fat that's implanted won't feel lumpy, won't generate cellulite, and won't cause abnormalities. It is used to repair malformations and unevenness, in fact. As previously stated, the sensation is incredibly natural and will appear as if your buttocks have always been there, as the fat will have been assimilated and will have been part of your muscles and fat. The recovery period will be determined by how long it takes you to recover from liposuction. The buttocks do not ache since the soreness comes from the areas where liposuction was performed.

The fat that is implanted will not feel lumpy, and it will not produce cellulite or unevenness.

The incisions are similar to those used in liposuction and are quite small. For three to four weeks, you'll need to wear an elastic body bandage. You'll be able to return to work in three to five days, but it'll take a month for you to feel entirely normal again. Sitting down can be done the next day, and returning to the gym will take two to four weeks.

Silicone implants can be used in patients who do not have enough fat or who want more predictable results. Microlane, a long-lasting type of hyaluronic acid, was recently discovered and is excellent for the development of the buttocks and breasts, as well as the presentation of muscle groups in men.

In practice, we can utilize external ultrasound to speed up the elimination of swelling and, even better, to eliminate fat with more natural results. To learn more, schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrea Ioannidis for a thorough explanation.

Dr. Andreas Ioannides
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