Hair Implants

Hair loss is primarily caused by a combination of aging, hormone imbalances, and a family history of genetic inheritance. The earlier hair loss starts, the more serious it will become later on. A burn or injury can also induce hair loss, in which case the replacement operation will be deemed a remodeling treatment and may be covered by the insurance provider.

If you and your doctor determine that a hair implant is the best option for you, rest assured that well-trained plastic surgeons like Dr. Ioannidis have successfully performed such surgeries for over 30 years.

Recommended! Consider your options carefully before deciding on surgery and discussing them with Dr. Ioannidis, a plastic surgeon.

The truth about hair loss

Poor scalp circulation, vitamin inadequacies, dandruff, and even heavy hat use have all been blamed for hair loss. All of these notions have been debunked. It's also incorrect to assume that hair loss can be detected by looking at the grandpa on the mother's side, or that a 40-year-old man who hasn't lost his hair will never do so.

The best candidates for hair implants

Hair implant surgery can help you look better and feel more confident, but the results don't have to be perfect. Before you decide to undergo the surgery, consider your goals and discuss them with Dr. Ioannidis, a plastic surgeon.

It's critical to realize that all hair implantation treatments rely on your own hair. The purpose of surgery is to identify the most effective ways to use the hair that already exists.

In order to act as a "donor," hair transplant applicants must have healthy hair on the back and sides of the head. These are the sites on the skull where the grafts are extracted (donor). Hair color, texture, and structure (wavy or curly) can all influence the aesthetic impression. In implant surgery, a variety of procedures are used. To achieve the greatest outcomes, two or more approaches are sometimes used.

All hair implantation techniques use your existing hair

Perforated grafts, mini-grafts, silt grafts, and narrow grafts are common transplant procedures used on individuals who want a more mild alteration in hair thickness. Tissue expansion, skull reduction, and flaps are commonly used on appropriate patients who want a more rapid alteration.

Keep in mind that there are limitations to what we can accomplish. If a patient has very little hair, implant surgery may not be recommended.

Hair loss in women

According to some doctors, one out of every five women will experience hair loss, which is mainly caused by age, disease, or hormonal changes associated with menopause. Instead of hair loss, which is prevalent in men, women have thinning hair all over the scalp. Some ladies prefer to wear a wig or extensions to cover up the problem. Others have had some success with topical medicines. In some patients, the success of a wide range of medicines just prevents additional hair loss without generating visible growth. For people who are uncomfortable with any of these solutions, hair implant surgery may be the solution.

Because mini-transplants are the most common surgical treatment for filling up sparse areas, excellent candidates for these treatments must have significant hair growth on the back of the head. To generate a broader appearance, mini-cuttings from the dense area are transplanted to the sparse sections. If a single case is determined to be appropriate, flaps and tissue stretching methods may be performed.

What should the patient expect?

Hair implant surgery is a one-of-a-kind procedure. Dr. Ioannidis will analyze the growth and loss of your hair during your initial consultation, as well as inquire about your family history and whether or not you have recently had implant surgery. Your plastic surgeon will also inquire about your lifestyle and discuss your surgical aims and objectives with you.

Your doctor can also examine for medical illnesses that could cause complications during and after surgery, such as irregular high blood pressure, coagulation issues, or a proclivity for developing significant scarring. If you smoke or use any medications, notably aspirin or others that impair coagulation, be sure to notify your doctor.

Dr. Ioannidis will explain the portion of anesthetic, where it will be conducted, as well as the type of procedure, risks, and costs once you have agreed to undergo the surgery. If you have any queries regarding the hair implant procedure, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

Make sure you understand your plastic surgeon's strategy, including which surgeries he'll utilize and how long each one will take. Discuss with your doctor about how you'll look following the procedure or, in the case of transplants, after each stage of treatment.

How does our staff prepare the patients?

Our medical staff will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare for your surgery, including what to eat, drink, and smoke, as well as whether or not to take or avoid certain vitamins and drugs. Following these rules to the letter will aid in the success of your procedure. It is extremely crucial to stop smoking for at least one to two weeks before surgery if you smoke. Because smoking lowers blood circulation to the skin, it might have a negative impact on the healing process. After the surgery, you should have made arrangements for someone to come and take you home. Plan on remaining quiet for a day or two after the surgery, and seek assistance if you believe you will require it.

Where would the procedure take place?

Hair implant surgery is commonly done as an outpatient procedure in a doctor's office or a surgical center (without accommodation). In most cases, a hospital stay is unnecessary.

Types of anesthesia

Whatever technique is utilized, hair implant surgery is normally performed under local anesthetic with a sedative to keep you relaxed and comfortable. There will be no pain in your scalp, but you may feel some pressure or pulling. For more complicated situations involving tissue growth, general anesthesia may be employed. You will be sleeping throughout the surgery if general anesthetic is utilized.

What is the surgery like exactly?

Hair implantation is removing small pieces of implants from the donor area of the scalp and transplanting them to an area of the head that lacks hair or has hair but is very thin. Implants come in a variety of sizes and shapes. Hairs are frequently seen in groups of 10-15 in round cuts. The mini-transplants have two or four hairs, whereas the micro-transplants have one or two hairs. The strip cuttings, which are applied to the scalp in the form of strips, include around four hairs each. Striped cuts are long and thin, with 30-40 hairs on each side.

After your surgery

The extent and intricacy of the surgery will determine how you feel afterward. Painkillers, which will be prescribed by your doctor, can be used to relieve itching, intense pulling, or squeezing.

Bandages will be removed one day later if they are utilized. In around two days after surgery, you can wash your hair with moderate strokes. In a week to ten days, any stitches should be removed. Make sure you ask about any postoperative concerns you might have.

Because intense activity increases blood flow and can cause bleeding in the grafts or incisions, you may be advised to refrain from strenuous exercise and some sports for at least three weeks. Some doctors also recommend waiting at least ten days after surgery before engaging in sexual activity.

Your doctor will want to see you after surgery for the first month to make sure the incisions are healing appropriately. It's critical that you pay attention to all postoperative instructions given to you throughout your appointments.

Returning to normal

The length of time it takes you to return to your normal routine is determined by the size, complexity, and type of surgery you underwent. You may feel good enough to return to work and your daily routine. A light exercise can be completed the next day, usually lasting one or two days.

The hair follicles from the implanted hair follicles can fall out in three to six weeks in many circumstances. Keep in mind that this is a common occurrence that is always brief. It will take another five to six weeks for the hair to regrow after it has fallen out. New hair follicles will grow at a rate of half a centimeter every month, according to estimates.

What should the patient expect after recovery?

Once your incisions have healed, you may need a "touch up" surgical treatment to provide a more natural effect. It's enough to fill in the hairline with a combination of mini, micro, and graft strips.

In general, it is preferable to avoid the necessity for such a process (touch up). Dr. Ioannidis is usually able to forecast when the procedure will take place.

Before & After

Dr. Andreas Ioannides
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