Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hair growth is the most prevalent cosmetic issue that women and men face.

This popular cosmetic procedure pushed for technology advancements in the fields of laser and IPL to achieve better, faster, and more permanent hair removal results.

Advanced Aesthetics has chosen the best Laser and IPL on the market to provide hair removal treatments with a 100% success rate.

The combination of the Long Pulse Alexandrite Laser and Smartlite IPL technology not only leads in efficiency, but also in the range of skin types for which it can be used.

Even after the first application, areas such as the face, armpits, bikini, legs, back, and chest can achieve optimum effects.

The three wavelengths have an effect on the melanin in the hair as well as the nourishing capillaries in the follicle, limiting hair growth at all levels.

In most circumstances, a durable effect necessitates 2-4 sessions with 2-3 month gaps between repetitions.

The Advanced Aesthetics clinic selects dependable cutting-edge technology while still ensuring a competitive pricing for its clients.

You can contact us to schedule a free consultation and demonstration where all of your questions about laser hair removal for the face and body will be answered.

Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal

The use of laser systems, which were first developed in the field of aesthetics and aim to remove undesirable hair from various places of the face and body, has grown in popularity over the last decade. They are for ladies and men who want to remove or thin their hair since it is an aesthetic issue.

The Alexandrite laser emits a beam of light that is largely absorbed by melanin (hair dye) and causes thermal damage to the hair shaft and follicle. There is no radiation that affects the internal organs or kills the surrounding tissues, thus this procedure is absolutely safe.The dark end hair is permanently lost and the hair follicle is destroyed.

Alexandrite lasers are fully safe, effective, and simple to use. They can treat huge regions in a single session and have a permanent hair removal effect. The difference is noticeable after just one session; the hairs tend to be thinner following treatment, and 10-25 percent of hair growth is eliminated. The permanent result is reached after several sessions.

Many factors influence the efficiency of laser hair removal as well as the number of sessions necessary, including:

  • The area that will be treated
  • The hue of your skin
  • the quality of your hair (color, thickness)
  • The period of time
  • Hormonal diseases that coexist
  • Body mass index
  • Medication administration
  • Metabolism
  • Predisposition passed down via the generations

There are also some pathological conditions.

The majority of patients require 4-6 sessions, with some situations requiring more than 6. Because these areas are hormone dependent, the legs, armpits, and bikini are easier to cure, whereas the face, arms, nipples, and abdomen are more durable. On average, the treatments are done every 6-8 weeks. Nearly 80% of patients experience permanent hair regrowth decrease, with the best outcomes available after a few additional sessions where a few remnant hairs are treated. This method works well on skin that is quite light with dark hair.

The area of the body that will be depilated may be shaved 48 hours before the treatment, so that the hair is at least 2 mm long but not too long. For facial hair removal, there is no need to shave. The treatment is well tolerated, with only a mild discomfort felt locally most of the time. The majority of patients do not require local anesthesia; however, when treating particularly sensitive areas (such as the bikini line or the upper lip), apply anesthetic cream one hour prior to treatment to reduce pain.

The depilated region may appear red at first, but this reaction may fade in minutes to hours. We apply a soothing lotion after the treatment to swiftly cure the aforesaid symptoms. Hair development stops, and the hair shaft is melted right away, but the root in the follicle falls off in about 15 days, leaving the area hairless. Hair regrowth occurs about 40 days later, and the treatment must be repeated because the hair is more susceptible to the laser at this point (regenerative phase). It's best to stay out of the sun for 7-10 days after waxing. When waxing the face during the summer, it is necessary to wear sunscreen.

Alexandrite laser hair removal is appropriate for people of all ages, beginning at the age of 13-14, because intense hair growth in girls begins at this age, posing an aesthetic and psychological problem. White hair and natural blonde hair, on the other hand, are not treated with lasers.

Laser hair removal was and continues to be a costly procedure, but it is no longer prohibitive, and the results more than compensate!

For further information, please call or book an appointment with our knowledgeable team, who will provide you with free information.

Laser hair removal treatments with Soprano Xli

Lasers (SopranoXli) have been used to remove unwanted hair for more than 15 years. Throughout this time, technologies have been created that can provide better and more long-lasting outcomes in a shorter amount of time.

However, some issues such as pain, irritation, redness, and the inability to apply to dark skin and light hair remained unaddressed.

Sensitivity, discomfort, and discoloration are more common in dark skin, making therapy hard in the summer.

A new diode laser technology has emerged in the last two years to overcome the aforementioned concerns.

The unique laserSopranoXli with sapphire head in permanent cooling, as well as the technologically revolutionary (INMOTION- rapid movement) application, provide solutions to the issues of pain, speed, skin type reduction, and treatment period, for example, in the summer.

The majority of patients require 4-6 sessions, with some situations requiring more than 6. Because these areas are hormone dependent, the legs, armpits, and bikini are easier to cure, whereas the face, arms, nipples, and abdomen are more durable. On average, the treatments are done every 6-8 weeks.

Nearly 80% of patients experience permanent hair regrowth decrease, with the best outcomes available after a few additional sessions where a few remnant hairs are treated.

Advanced Aesthetics' extensive experience with a variety of laser technologies has helped us grasp the benefits of such a novel procedure.

Areas such as a man's back, bikini, genetic area, and others, which were once regarded as a painful and arduous treatment, are now a simple 10-15 minute application.

Simple problems, such as undesired hair growth, have found a remedy thanks to innovative technologies such as LaserSopranoXli.

Before & After

Dr. Andreas Ioannides
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