Liquid Nose Reshaping Non-Invasive Rhinoplasty

Developments in Plastic Surgery techniques are increasingly focused on reducing our surgical and traumatic intervention.

The knowledge of the Plastic Surgeon in the anatomy of the body and face in the aging process but also in the physiology of healing is the guarantee in the development of new methods for problems that previously clearly needed a surgical method.

Rhinoplasty is one of the most often requested procedures by patients. When we examined the instances, we discovered that 20% of them had minor anatomical issues such as a raised tip (snub nose), a little drop in the nose, a small pimple (hump), moderate scoliosis in the back, an impression on the forehead, and numerous other issues.

There are a few cases of nasal symmetry that can be addressed without surgery.

Dr. Alexander Rivkin was the first plastic surgeon to discuss non-surgical nose surgery. Since then, multiple papers from plastic surgeons have been published on the subject.

In recent years, I have included the application of non-surgical Rhinoplasty, which I refer to as "Liquid Rhinoplasty," in my clinic in Greece and Cyprus.

At this time, it should be stated that this method can only benefit tiny alterations such as those discussed above.

Except for the typical procedure, cases with a particularly large nose, large ebony, scoliosis, etc. are not candidates for this approach.

The advantages of 'Liquid Rhinoplasty' are multiple and are listed below:

  • Simplicity in the process.
  • Fast duration (15 minutes).
  • No anesthesia.
  • No injectable topical anesthesia.
  • Immediate results.
  • No postoperative need for absence from work or social or family activity.
  • Cost effective.
  • No hospitalization.

The use of particular infusion materials can contour the nose and provide that unique detail that our patient desired but lacked the confidence to seek because he was terrified of surgery or couldn't miss work or other activities.

Non-invasive rhinoplasty (Liquid Rhinoplasty) is a fantastic alternative technique that is both cost-effective and can produce true miracles in the hands of a skilled Plastic Surgeon.

Before & After

Dr. Andreas Ioannides
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