LPG For Persistent Fat & Cellulite

It's a non-invasive treatment for obesity, cellulite, and flaky skin. LPG was the first firm to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for cellulite, body contouring, and, more recently, lymphedema treatment.

What is cellulite and why do we get it?

Cellulite is a major aesthetic concern for a huge majority of women, with 90% of them having cellulite. Because it is linked to hormonal issues, it affects men less commonly. Many causes contribute to the development of "orange peel," one of which is inadequate blood circulation in the superficial layer of fat, which is one of the most essential and hormonal variables. In addition, cellulite is exacerbated by a bad diet, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol, and a sedentary lifestyle.

How does LPG function?

A mechanical treatment head (keymodule) with two electronically controlled cylinders and fully regulated suction is included in Endermologie. This non-invasive head naturally forms a symmetrical fold of skin, allowing for in-depth mechanization and mobilization of the tissue, resulting in cellulite reduction and point loss. This mechanism aids in the removal of toxins from the venous and lymphatic systems. Fibroblasts are stimulated, resulting in enhanced collagen and elastin production, giving the skin a more youthful and healthy appearance.

The treatment's goal

It fights cellulite directly, reduces the appearance of orange peel, and visibly enhances skin quality.

It works directly on tissue congestion, restoring venous flow, removing toxins, and shrinking the body.

It helps to decongest connective tissue, improve microcirculation, and decrease swelling in the lower extremities.

Where is it applied?

The mechanical rollers wear a specific body manufactured by LPG that covers practically the whole surface of the body before focusing on the problem areas.

Treatment duration and frequency

Each treatment takes around 35 minutes and is repeated twice a week. Depending on the degree of cellulite, at least 10-16 sessions are required. From the first 5-6 sessions, we can see tangible effects. The results, on the other hand, improve as the treatment goes, until we achieve the final intended result. The LPG and the fat cell's heart hold the key to a smaller and more shapely body.

Is there any discomfort during the application process?

Lipomassage is a painless, forceful, and superficial lipomassage treatment that is 100 percent natural and pleasurable. It does not require injections and is fully painless.

Is it possible to apply the procedure to men as well?

Local thickness, lifebuoys, abdomen, double jaw, and various pectoral muscles are all targets for lipomassage in men. When diet and exercise fail, lipomassage comes to the rescue.

The combination of LPG and NewLife's passive strengthening results in a thin and athletic physique.

Before & After

Dr. Andreas Ioannides
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