THERMILIFT Double Chin - Double Jaw Neck Lift

A double chin is either an excess of fat, skin laxity or a combination of those in the submental space (the area underneath the chin). This submental fat may accumulate for a number of reasons. Those with a family history of sagging skin or stubborn fat are more likely to develop a double chin. Fluctuations in weight can also produce a double chin as the skin expands and contracts. Age is another factor in double chin formation as skin becomes less elastic over the years. It might be difficult to prevent the onset of a double chin, but at least it’s possible to reduce it once it’s there. ThermiTight is a breakthrough technology that eliminates double clin in a non-surgical procedure.

How it works

It is a minimally invasive technique that targets both accumulated fat and lax skin in the submental area also reshapes and redefines your jawline. ThermiTight uses radiofrequency from a very small cannula with a small probe at the tip. Radiofrequency increases the temperature and leads to adipose tissue lysis and an inflammatory response that leads to skin tightening. The treatment takes approximately 1hour to be completed. Use of local anesthetic or mild sedation makes the treatment non painful. There are no stiches just small incisions to insert the cannula underneath the skin.

Recovery time

After the treatment the patient may experience mild edema, redness and rarely mild discomfort. The symptoms usually last up to 48 hours. During this time the patient should avoid intense exercise, sunbathing, sauna etc. During this time some patients should ware compression garment.

Treatment results

Even though results can be seen immediately, the final result can be seen at six months. The treatment delivers a natural and contoured look by only one treatment. It is the most effective procedure for those who do not wish to have a surgery and the results are long-lasting. Fat reduction is permanent. In case we wish to enhance the result of the treatment we can repeat it every few years.

Before & After

Dr. Andreas Ioannides
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